expert Spotlight

Dr. Irena Buka

Dr. Buka leads the Children's Environmental Health Clinic at the Misericordia Hospital.

Director, Children’s Environmental Health Clinic (ChEHC) and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of Alberta

Dr. Irena Buka is a pediatrician who developed an interest in pediatric environmental health as she started to identify environmental links to common childhood disorders. Her training in Scotland, England, South Africa and Canada gave her a very broad and global perspective of pediatrics. She is particularly interested in identifying causative risk factors for common illnesses and disorders in children. She addresses reasons behind symptom recurrence. Irena believes that many common childhood conditions may be prevented if modifiable risk factors are addressed appropriately. In addition to clinical practice, her work includes educating medical students, physicians and the community in child health-related issues. Irena takes problems she sees in clinical practice and follows up by researching best available evidence to better inform the patient as well as others. She participates in new research to advance knowledge in child health and the environment. She is a strong advocate for children and understands the collective teamwork necessary to advance issues of child health and the environment. She contributes to the larger issues by serving on local, national and international committees. A recognized policy adviser, she uses her experiences from many years of clinical practice for better protection of children from environmental hazards. 

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